The AR6 Syntheses Report consists of many sections, each of which has one or more paragraphs [1]. Each paragraph, in turn, contains one or more facts.
We can list all the sections in the book:
SPARQL sparql/allSections.rq (run, edit)
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
SELECT ?section ?sectionLabel WHERE {
?section wdt:P1 wd:Q18 .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} ORDER BY ASC(?sectionLabel)
Which gives:
section | |
2.1.1 Observed Warming and its Causes | |
2.1.1.a | |
2.1.1.b | |
This table is truncated. See the full table at sparql/allSections.rq |
Likewise, we can focus on paragraphs (also typed as sections) and list them along with the number of IPCC statements they contain:
SPARQL sparql/sectionsWithStatements.rq (run, edit)
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?section ?sectionLabel (COUNT(?statement) AS ?count) WHERE {
?section wdt:P1 wd:Q18 ;
wdt:P3 ?statement .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} GROUP BY ?section ?sectionLabel
Which gives:
section | count |
2.1.2.c | 11 |
2.1.2.l | 10 |
3.1.3.b | 9 |
2.1.2.d | 7 |
4.9.c | 6 |
2.1.1.h | 5 |
3.1.1.h | 5 |
2.1.1.b | 4 |
2.3.2.b | 4 |
3.1.1.f | 4 |
2.1.2.a | 3 |
2.1.1.a | 2 |
4.9.d | 2 |
2.1.1.g | 1 |
2.1.1.i | 1 |
4.1.f | 1 |
2.1.1.e | 1 |
For each section, we can list the paragraphs and their confidence levels, for example for paragraph paragraph 2.1.2.d (Q49):
SPARQL sparql/statementsWithConfidence.rq (run, edit)
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?fact ?factLabel (GROUP_CONCAT(?value_string; separator=", ") as ?confidences) WHERE {
VALUES ?section { wd:Q49 }
?section p:P3 ?factStatement .
BIND (?section AS ?fact)
?factStatement ps:P3 ?factLabel .
?factStatement pq:P5 ?confidence .
?confidence rdfs:label ?value_string .
FILTER (LANG(?value_string) = 'en')
} GROUP BY ?fact ?factLabel
Which gives for this paragraph: