

Code examples: curl


PREFIX wdt: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd:  <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/entity/>

SELECT ?section ?sectionLabel ?paragraph ?paragraphLabel WHERE {
  VALUES ?report { wd:Q99 } # Q99 = AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023
  ?section wdt:P4 ?report ; ^wdt:P4 ?paragraph .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} ORDER BY ASC(?sectionLabel) ASC(?paragraphLabel)

run or edit


section paragraph
2.1.1 Observed Warming and its Causes 2.1.1.a
2.1.1 Observed Warming and its Causes 2.1.1.b
2.1.1 Observed Warming and its Causes 2.1.1.e
2.1.1 Observed Warming and its Causes 2.1.1.g
2.1.1 Observed Warming and its Causes 2.1.1.h
2.1.1 Observed Warming and its Causes 2.1.1.i
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.a
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.c
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.d
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.e
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.f
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.g
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.h
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.i
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.j
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.k
2.1.2 Observed Climate System Changes and Impacts to Date 2.1.2.l
2.2.1 Global Policy Setting 2.2.1.a
2.2.1 Global Policy Setting 2.2.1.b
2.2.1 Global Policy Setting 2.2.1.c
2.2.2 Mitigation Actions to Date 2.2.2.a
2.2.2 Mitigation Actions to Date 2.2.2.b
2.2.2 Mitigation Actions to Date 2.2.2.c
2.2.2 Mitigation Actions to Date 2.2.2.d
2.2.2 Mitigation Actions to Date 2.2.2.f
2.2.2 Mitigation Actions to Date 2.2.2.g
2.2.2 Mitigation Actions to Date 2.2.2.h
2.2.3 Adaptation Actions to Date 2.2.3.a
2.2.3 Adaptation Actions to Date 2.2.3.b
2.2.3 Adaptation Actions to Date 2.2.3.c
2.2.3 Adaptation Actions to Date 2.2.3.d
2.2.3 Adaptation Actions to Date 2.2.3.e
2.2.3 Adaptation Actions to Date 2.2.3.f
2.2.3 Adaptation Actions to Date 2.2.3.g
2.2.3 Adaptation Actions to Date 2.2.3.h
2.3.1 The Gap Between Mitigation Policies, Pledges and Pathways that LimitWarming to 1.5 or Below 2°C 2.3.1.a
2.3.1 The Gap Between Mitigation Policies, Pledges and Pathways that LimitWarming to 1.5 or Below 2°C 2.3.1.b
2.3.1 The Gap Between Mitigation Policies, Pledges and Pathways that LimitWarming to 1.5 or Below 2°C 2.3.1.c
2.3.1 The Gap Between Mitigation Policies, Pledges and Pathways that LimitWarming to 1.5 or Below 2°C 2.3.1.g
2.3.1 The Gap Between Mitigation Policies, Pledges and Pathways that LimitWarming to 1.5 or Below 2°C 2.3.1.h
2.3.2 Adaptation Gaps and Barriers 2.3.2.a
2.3.2 Adaptation Gaps and Barriers 2.3.2.b
2.3.2 Adaptation Gaps and Barriers 2.3.2.c
2.3.2 Adaptation Gaps and Barriers 2.3.2.d
2.3.2 Adaptation Gaps and Barriers 2.3.2.e
2.3.3 Lack of Finance as a Barrier to Climate Action 2.3.3.a
2.3.3 Lack of Finance as a Barrier to Climate Action 2.3.3.b
2.3.3 Lack of Finance as a Barrier to Climate Action 2.3.3.c
2.3.3 Lack of Finance as a Barrier to Climate Action 2.3.3.d
3.1.1 Long-term Climate Change 3.1.1.a
3.1.1 Long-term Climate Change 3.1.1.b
3.1.1 Long-term Climate Change 3.1.1.c
3.1.1 Long-term Climate Change 3.1.1.e
3.1.1 Long-term Climate Change 3.1.1.f
3.1.1 Long-term Climate Change 3.1.1.g
3.1.1 Long-term Climate Change 3.1.1.h
3.1.2 Impacts and Related Risks 3.1.2.a
3.1.2 Impacts and Related Risks 3.1.2.b
3.1.2 Impacts and Related Risks 3.1.2.c
3.1.2 Impacts and Related Risks 3.1.2.d
3.1.2 Impacts and Related Risks 3.1.2.e
3.1.2 Impacts and Related Risks 3.1.2.f
3.1.2 Impacts and Related Risks 3.1.2.g
3.1.2 Impacts and Related Risks 3.1.2.h
3.1.3 The Likelihood and Risks of Abrupt and Irreversible Change 3.1.3.a
3.1.3 The Likelihood and Risks of Abrupt and Irreversible Change 3.1.3.b
3.1.3 The Likelihood and Risks of Abrupt and Irreversible Change 3.1.3.c
3.2 Long-term Adaptation Options and Limits 3.2.b
3.2 Long-term Adaptation Options and Limits 3.2.c
3.2 Long-term Adaptation Options and Limits 3.2.d
3.2 Long-term Adaptation Options and Limits 3.2.e
3.2 Long-term Adaptation Options and Limits 3.2.f
3.3.1 Remaining Carbon Budgets 3.3.1.a
3.3.1 Remaining Carbon Budgets 3.3.1.b
3.3.1 Remaining Carbon Budgets 3.3.1.c
3.3.1 Remaining Carbon Budgets 3.3.1.d
3.3.2 Net Zero Emissions: Timing and Implications 3.3.2.a
3.3.2 Net Zero Emissions: Timing and Implications 3.3.2.b
3.3.4 Overshoot Pathways: Increased Risks and Other Implications 3.3.4.a
3.3.4 Overshoot Pathways: Increased Risks and Other Implications 3.3.4.b
3.3.4 Overshoot Pathways: Increased Risks and Other Implications 3.3.4.c
3.4.1 Synergies and trade-offs, costs and benefits 3.4.1.a
3.4.1 Synergies and trade-offs, costs and benefits 3.4.1.b
3.4.1 Synergies and trade-offs, costs and benefits 3.4.1.c
3.4.1 Synergies and trade-offs, costs and benefits 3.4.1.d
3.4.1 Synergies and trade-offs, costs and benefits 3.4.1.e
3.4.1 Synergies and trade-offs, costs and benefits 3.4.1.f
3.4.1 Synergies and trade-offs, costs and benefits 3.4.1.g
3.4.1 Synergies and trade-offs, costs and benefits 3.4.1.h
3.4.2 Advancing Integrated Climate Action for Sustainable Development 3.4.2.a
3.4.2 Advancing Integrated Climate Action for Sustainable Development 3.4.2.b
3.4.2 Advancing Integrated Climate Action for Sustainable Development 3.4.2.c
3.4.2 Advancing Integrated Climate Action for Sustainable Development 3.4.2.d
4.1 The Timing and Urgency of Climate Action 4.1.b
4.1 The Timing and Urgency of Climate Action 4.1.d
4.1 The Timing and Urgency of Climate Action 4.1.e
4.1 The Timing and Urgency of Climate Action 4.1.f
4.2 Benefits of Strengthening Near-Term Action 4.2.c
4.2 Benefits of Strengthening Near-Term Action 4.2.d
4.2 Benefits of Strengthening Near-Term Action 4.2.e
4.2 Benefits of Strengthening Near-Term Action 4.2.f
4.2 Benefits of Strengthening Near-Term Action 4.2.i
4.2 Benefits of Strengthening Near-Term Action 4.2.k
4.4 Equity and Inclusion in Climate Change Action 4.4.b
4.4 Equity and Inclusion in Climate Change Action 4.4.c
4.4 Equity and Inclusion in Climate Change Action 4.4.d
4.4 Equity and Inclusion in Climate Change Action 4.4.e
4.4 Equity and Inclusion in Climate Change Action 4.4.f
4.4 Equity and Inclusion in Climate Change Action 4.4.g
4.5 Near-Term Mitigation and Adaptation Actions 4.5.b
4.5 Near-Term Mitigation and Adaptation Actions 4.5.c
4.5 Near-Term Mitigation and Adaptation Actions 4.5.d
4.5.1 Energy Systems 4.5.1.a
4.5.1 Energy Systems 4.5.1.b
4.5.2 Industry 4.5.2.a
4.5.2 Industry 4.5.2.b
4.5.3 Cities, Settlements and Infrastructure 4.5.3.a
4.5.3 Cities, Settlements and Infrastructure 4.5.3.b
4.5.3 Cities, Settlements and Infrastructure 4.5.3.c
4.5.3 Cities, Settlements and Infrastructure 4.5.3.d
4.5.3 Cities, Settlements and Infrastructure 4.5.3.e
4.5.4 Land, Ocean, Food, and Water 4.5.4.a
4.5.4 Land, Ocean, Food, and Water 4.5.4.b
4.5.4 Land, Ocean, Food, and Water 4.5.4.c
4.5.4 Land, Ocean, Food, and Water 4.5.4.d
4.5.4 Land, Ocean, Food, and Water 4.5.4.e
4.5.4 Land, Ocean, Food, and Water 4.5.4.f
4.5.5 Health and Nutrition 4.5.5.b
4.5.6 Society, Livelihoods, and Economies 4.5.6.a
4.5.6 Society, Livelihoods, and Economies 4.5.6.b
4.5.6 Society, Livelihoods, and Economies 4.5.6.d
4.6 Co-Benefits of Adaptation and Mitigation for Sustainable Development Goals 4.6.b
4.6 Co-Benefits of Adaptation and Mitigation for Sustainable Development Goals 4.6.c
4.6 Co-Benefits of Adaptation and Mitigation for Sustainable Development Goals 4.6.d
4.6 Co-Benefits of Adaptation and Mitigation for Sustainable Development Goals 4.6.e
4.7 Governance and Policy for Near-Term Climate Change Action 4.7.b
4.7 Governance and Policy for Near-Term Climate Change Action 4.7.c
4.7 Governance and Policy for Near-Term Climate Change Action 4.7.d
4.7 Governance and Policy for Near-Term Climate Change Action 4.7.e
4.7 Governance and Policy for Near-Term Climate Change Action 4.7.f
4.7 Governance and Policy for Near-Term Climate Change Action 4.7.g
4.7 Governance and Policy for Near-Term Climate Change Action 4.7.h
4.7 Governance and Policy for Near-Term Climate Change Action 4.7.i
4.7 Governance and Policy for Near-Term Climate Change Action 4.7.j
4.8.1 Finance for Mitigation and Adaptation Actions 4.8.1.b
4.8.1 Finance for Mitigation and Adaptation Actions 4.8.1.d
4.8.1 Finance for Mitigation and Adaptation Actions 4.8.1.f
4.8.2 International Cooperation and Coordination 4.8.2.b
4.8.3 Technology Innovation, Adoption, Diffusion and Transfer 4.8.3.a
4.8.3 Technology Innovation, Adoption, Diffusion and Transfer 4.8.3.b
4.8.3 Technology Innovation, Adoption, Diffusion and Transfer 4.8.3.c
4.8.3 Technology Innovation, Adoption, Diffusion and Transfer 4.8.3.e
4.9 Integration of Near-Term Actions Across Sectors and Systems 4.9.b
4.9 Integration of Near-Term Actions Across Sectors and Systems 4.9.c
4.9 Integration of Near-Term Actions Across Sectors and Systems 4.9.d

Code examples


curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/egonw/IPCC-Queries/master/sparql/ar6syr.rq \
  | sed 's+<lang/>+en+' > ar6syr.rq

curl -H "Accept: text/tab-separated-values" \
  -G https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/query/sparql \
  --data-urlencode query@ar6syr.rq

This SPARQL query is available under CCZero.