Facts are annotated with their confidence level, but more interesting is their annotation with other topics. This section shows how statements can be annotated.
Facts can be annotated with the region they are about. We can the list all such regions and the number of facts about that region:
SPARQL sparql/regions.rq (run, edit)
PREFIX wdt: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX p: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/>
PREFIX pq: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX rwdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
SELECT ?specialScope ?specialScopeLabel (COUNT(DISTINCT ?statement) AS ?count) WHERE {
?paragraph p:P3 ?statement .
?statement pq:P9 ?specialScope .
?specialScope wdt:P1 wd:Q42 .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} GROUP BY ?specialScope ?specialScopeLabel
Which gives:
specialScope | count |
Africa | 5 |
South America | 5 |
Arctic | 5 |
Asia | 4 |
Central America | 4 |
Europe | 3 |
Greenland ice sheet | 2 |
Australasia | 2 |
North America | 2 |
West Antarctic Ice Sheet | 1 |
Arctic sea | 1 |
Northern Hemisphere | 1 |
South Asia | 1 |
East Africa | 1 |
With the following SPARQL query, we can show IPCC statements on the world map, taking advantage of Wikidata [1] to provide geographical coordinates for regions, using a federated SPARQL query:
SPARQL sparql/statementOnMap.rq (run, edit)
PREFIX wdt: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX p: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/>
PREFIX pq: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX ps: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/statement/>
PREFIX psv: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/statement/value/>
PREFIX rwdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
SELECT DISTINCT ?paragraph ?paragraphLabel ?confidenceLabel ?text ?coordinates WHERE {
?paragraph p:P3 ?statement .
?statement pq:P9 ?spatialScope ;
ps:P3 ?text .
OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P5 ?confidence }
?spatialScope wdt:P2 ?wikidata .
SERVICE <https://query.wikidata.org/sparql> {
?wikidata rwdt:P625 ?coordinates .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
This should show something like this (pending a solution for a 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'
For now, this is what the results look like as a table:
paragraph | text | coordinates |
2.1.2.l | LDCs and SIDS who have much lower per capita emissions (1.7 tCO2-eq, 4.6 tCO2-eq, respectively) than the global average (6.9 tCO2-eq) excluding CO2-LULUCF, also have high vulnerability to climatic hazards, with global hotspots of high human vulnerability observed in West-, Central- and East Africa, South Asia, Central and South America, SIDS and the Arctic. | Point(72.2 26.9) |
2.1.2.l | LDCs and SIDS who have much lower per capita emissions (1.7 tCO2-eq, 4.6 tCO2-eq, respectively) than the global average (6.9 tCO2-eq) excluding CO2-LULUCF, also have high vulnerability to climatic hazards, with global hotspots of high human vulnerability observed in West-, Central- and East Africa, South Asia, Central and South America, SIDS and the Arctic. | Point(36.84726 -1.300444) |
3.1.3.b | At sustained warming levels between 2°C and 3°C, the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets will be lost almost completely and irreversibly over multiple millennia. | Point(-120.0 -80.0) |
3.1.1.h | At 2°C or above, these changes expand to more regions and/or become more significant (high confidence), and more frequent and/or severe agricultural and ecological droughts are projected in Europe, Africa, Australasia and North, Central and South America. | Point(-86.0 12.0) |
2.1.2.d | Increasing weather and climate extreme events have exposed millions of people to acute food insecurity and reduced water security, with the largest impacts observed in many locations and/or communities in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, LDCs, Small Islands and the Arctic, and for small-scale food producers, low-income households and Indigenous Peoples globally (high confidence). | Point(0.0 89.9997) |
4.1.f | Without rapid, deep and sustained mitigation and accelerated adaptation actions, losses and damages will continue to increase, including projected adverse impacts in Africa, LDCs, SIDS, Central and South America90, Asia and the Arctic, and will disproportionately affect the most vulnerable populations. | Point(0.0 89.9997) |
2.1.2.d | Increasing weather and climate extreme events have exposed millions of people to acute food insecurity and reduced water security, with the largest impacts observed in many locations and/or communities in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, LDCs, Small Islands and the Arctic, and for small-scale food producers, low-income households and Indigenous Peoples globally (high confidence). | Point(-86.0 12.0) |
2.3.2.b | Individuals and households in low lying coastal areas in Australasia and Small Islands and smallholder farmers in Central and South America, Africa, Europe and Asia have reached soft limits (medium confidence), resulting from financial, governance, institutional and policy constraints and can be overcome by addressing these constraints (high confidence). | Point(-86.0 12.0) |
This table is truncated. See the full table at sparql/statementOnMap.rq |
Similarly, we can list all ecosystems and the number of statements about them:
SPARQL sparql/ecosystems.rq (run, edit)
PREFIX wdt: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX p: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/>
PREFIX pq: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX rwdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
SELECT ?specialScope ?specialScopeLabel (COUNT(DISTINCT ?statement) AS ?count) WHERE {
?paragraph p:P3 ?statement .
?statement pq:P9 ?specialScope .
?specialScope wdt:P6 wd:Q32 .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} GROUP BY ?specialScope ?specialScopeLabel
Which gives:
specialScope | count |
terrestrial ecosystem | 1 |
freshwater ecosystem | 1 |
cryospheric ecosystem | 1 |
coastal ecosystem | 1 |
open ocean ecosystem | 1 |
The report also mentions chemicals in multiple statements. We have these:
SPARQL sparql/chemicals.rq (run, edit)
PREFIX wdt: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX p: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/>
PREFIX pq: <https://kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?chemical ?chemicalLabel (COUNT(DISTINCT ?statement) AS ?count) WHERE {
?paragraph p:P3 ?statement .
{ ?statement pq:P12 ?chemical }
{ ?statement pq:P19 ?pressure . ?pressure p:P6 / pq:P22 ?chemical . }
?chemical wdt:P1 wd:Q68 .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} GROUP BY ?chemical ?chemicalLabel
This gives:
chemical | count |
greenhouse gas | 9 |
CO₂ | 6 |
methane | 5 |
aerosol | 2 |
ozone | 2 |
nitrous oxide | 2 |
halogenated gas | 1 |
fluorinated gas | 1 |
hydrofluorocarbon | 1 |