AI for Climate | Igniting High Schoolers for a Sustainable Future
An Online Internship Program for School Students
#semanticClimate is hosting a series of hackathons. Check out our Events page to find out when the next one is.
An Online Internship Program for School Students
An online event to discuss the creation and usage of open source softwares in research
Two-day event to promote usage of free and open source softwares
A Three-day Workshop at NIPGR, New Delhi
Introduction of tech and software that is open, easy and durable.
Introducing and discussing the WGs’ framework and progress
A series of data papers to commemorate the centenary of S R Ranganathan in India
Understanding the role of AI ethics and policy in scholarly publications
To Inspire and Empower Women in STEM(M)
International Conference on ICT For Digital, Smart, and Sustainable Development
Ethics and Research Integrity Policy in Responsible Research Assessment for Data and AI
GENOMICS CONFERENCE 2024 | Workshop on clinical Genomics
AI for Climate-Resilient Farming and enhanced crop productivity
Launch of the CoARA ERIP Working Group in the context of the 2024 EU Research & Innovation Week
Workshop Under the Karyashala Scheme – A SERB Initiative
Online meeting to celebrate and welcome Kotak Kanya Scholars
To Exchange knowledge on different domains of bioinformatics.
Largest Indo Nordic water event of the year organized by Indo Nordic Water Forum!
Two-days Virtual International Conference
Academic visit to give an insight about AI in research and education
Two day National Seminar
Open Access and Democratization of Knowledge for Climate, Biodiversity, and Sustainability
NIPGR Workshop on Data Mining
A Collaborative Hackathon to Understand and Create Climate Knowledge
Hybrid meeting with team
Transforming Climate information into Action
Climate, AI and Knowledge Graphs
Presentation and discussion with NIPGR students and researcher
climate education to school students
AI and ETHICS | Perspectives from Industry and Academia
Meeting and discussion with graduate students
Nature Walk and Short Field Trip
Joint discussion to collaborate for meaningful climate action between Sweden and India
climate knowledge
Big data analysis for Sustainable Development Goals
The Blind Side of Science "The Challenges and Journeys of Women in Academia and Scientific Inquiry"
A Festival of Data
Transforming Tomorrow Together
Drive justice through Open Science practices (e.g. global climate justice)
Open and FAIR Data Ecosystem (Principles, Policies, and Platforms)
Open Science Cloud Showcase of SemanticClimate (online)
Invited Keynote and Hackathon with FORCE11
semanticClimate's hybrid hackathon in Delhi
Invited panel at UN Library Discussions
Join us in a distributed asynchronous hackathon to unlock the information trapped in the IPCC climate change reports, annotate and enrich them with semantic links to wikidata during Open Access Week.
Shweata N. Hegde and Daniel Mietchen are presenting about liberating biodiversity knowledge from IPCC reports with help of Wikidata
Peter Murray-Rust is giving an in-person talk at Cambridge.
Gitanjali Yadav is running a 4 hour virtual hackathon at APBioNet. Event is restricted to the registrants only.
SemanticClimate hosted a virtual hackathon in September. We had >75 registrants and presentations from PSA Office and UN Development Program (UNDP).
SemanticClimate participated in the Hackathon hosted at Geneva.