OPEN DAY 2023 at NIPGR, India

Open Day 2023 at National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), New Delhi, India

Students from both school and college backgrounds enthusiastically participated in the open day organized at the NIPGR on 22 December, 2023, creating a vibrant and diverse atmosphere.

The event provided a unique opportunity for the students to witness firsthand the practical applications of theoretical concepts, fostering a deeper appreciation for the intersection of academia and real-world innovation.

The open day served as a bridge between academic institutions and research endeavors, fostering a sense of collaboration and igniting the passion for discovery among the next generation of scholars and scientists.

#semanticClimate team had not only elucidated the tools for text and data mining from the IPCC climate reports and research literatures but also heightened students' awareness regarding the pivotal role of AI in advancing the field of plant biology.

"Discover the story told by these pictures, offering a clear view of the lively atmosphere and varied experiences that made the day special."

semanticclimate hackathon

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