
IPCC Wikibase Queries

© 2023-2024 Egon Willighagen, Lars Willighagen

License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 International

While the book itself is under the CC-BY-SA license, all SPARQL queries in this book can be used under the CCZero license/waiver. The source of the content of this book is available from this GitHub repository.

The book and its queries wrap around a Wikibase at kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud, and the data presented in this book is collected by the editors of this Wikibase.


  1. Introduction
    1.1. Confidence levels
    1.2. Data model
    1.2.1. Sections and Facts
  2. Sections, Paragraphs and Statements
    2.1. Sections
    2.2. Paragraphs
  3. Facts Annotations
    3.1. Regional annotation
    3.1.1. Putting facts on the map
    3.2. Ecosystems
    3.3. Chemicals
  4. Using the DPSIR Framework
    4.1. Components of the framework
    4.1.1. Drivers
    4.1.2. Pressures
    4.1.3. States
    4.1.4. Impacts
    4.1.5. Responses
    4.2. DPSIR Chains
  5. AR6 Syntheses Report


Authors and content contributors