IPCC Wikibase Queries
© 2023-2024 Egon Willighagen, Lars Willighagen
License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 International
While the book itself is under the CC-BY-SA license, all SPARQL queries in this book can be used
under the CCZero license/waiver.
The source of the content of this book is available from this GitHub
The book and its queries wrap around a Wikibase at kg-ipclimatec-reports.wikibase.cloud,
and the data presented in this book is collected by the editors of this Wikibase.
- Introduction
1.1. Confidence levels
1.2. Data model
1.2.1. Sections and Facts
- Sections, Paragraphs and Statements
2.1. Sections
2.2. Paragraphs
- Facts Annotations
3.1. Regional annotation
3.1.1. Putting facts on the map
3.2. Ecosystems
3.3. Chemicals
- Using the DPSIR Framework
4.1. Components of the framework
4.1.1. Drivers
4.1.2. Pressures
4.1.3. States
4.1.4. Impacts
4.1.5. Responses
4.2. DPSIR Chains
- AR6 Syntheses Report
Authors and content contributors
- Egon Willighagen
- Lars Willighagen